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Legacy Editor

Destructive version available since 2.4.0

Since v2.4.0, DressingTools includes a v1-like legacy editor for destructive applying clothes into the avatar.


Previously, the legacy editor does not perform destructive apply like how v1 does. It just adds the object and do nothing until play mode or upload. It seems that there are a group of users that still have demands on the v1 destructive approach.

Some preparations for selectively destructive apply is made in v2.4.0 and thus allowing to add destructive support for Legacy Editor. The legacy editor in this version probably can already behave the same as v1. Hopefully, this allows all v1 users to update to v2 without concerning Unity 2022 compatibility, future updates and bugs that currently exist in v1.

However, it is still recommended everyone to use the non-destructive approach for their new avatars.

Starting the editor



There are no documentation on legacy editor currently. However, since the layout and nature of legacy editor is similar to v1's, you can refer back to the 1-min YouTube tutorial for v1 previously: