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Where to start?

There are currently two systems for automatically creating animations and menus to toggle different items and outfits, targeted at different use cases.

They are currently not interchangable. They will be migrated to integrate better in the future.

1. Smart Control

Since 2.3.0

Smart Control


Smart controls do not setup your outfit! You have to either use Quick Setup Clothes to setup without cabinet animations, or alternative tools to setup up armature merging etc.

Generic component for creating animations to toggle objects or components on and off, or changing blendshape, component, shader properties etc.

Driven by a animator parameter, menu item and more to be added in the future.

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Use cases

  • Creating avatar-based controls
  • Maximizing the wardobe menu customization
  • Making your own wardobe menu without using the cabinet system

2. Cabinet



This system will be eventually migrated to have better integration with the smart control system.

Dedicated to setup and manage wearables. It provides a window to setup a outfit and its animations quickly. It is based on the new smart controls system.

When cabinet animations are turned on, the system treats it as a outfit and generates smart controls for it. Avatar dynamics are automatically grouped and disabled when it is not active.

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Use cases

  • Wearing multiple new outfits as quick as possible