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The whole DressingTools system mainly consists of three parts and they are separately licensed and some are dual-licensed.

This is the main heart of DressingTools system. poi-vrc/DressingTools is mainly licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) (tl;dr).

The logo assets are NOT public domain and they are separately licensed under specific terms [Link].

It is an implementation on top of DressingFramework and most assembly classes are marked as internal and not supposed to be used by other developers. Your derived projects must be licensed under GPLv3 or later and released open-source, if you develop on top of this repository.

If you want to extend DressingTools by adding new providers and modules, you should use DressingFramework instead.

DressingFramework is a framework that assembles DressingTools and provides interfaces for third-party developers to add external modules and providers to DressingTools.

It is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3) (tl;dr), which is more friendly to applications using the repository as a library without releasing the source code.

AvatarLib is a generic library that contains a bunch of quick-to-use APIs for plugins and applications to add, modify an avatar.

It is licensed under the MIT License (tl;dr).