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Parameter Slot

Since 2.5.0

A parameter slot component acts as a shared tag among multiple SmartControl components. These SmartControls are assigned with a specific value, and controlled by a single int or float animator parameter. Only the SmartControl that the parameter value matches with will be enabled.

The mechanism is similar to Unity animator's Any State but internally it is not used.

Group Dynamics


You can directly edit mappings either in the parameter slot component inspector or the SmartControl driver inspector. You have to have one of the SmartControl mapped with the default value, otherwise it might not work properly.


  • Parameter name: Name of the int/float parameter. It will be automatically generated if it is left blank.
  • Value type: Int or Float value type.
  • Parameter default value: Default value
  • Network synced: Whether this parameter should be network synced
  • Saved: Whether this parameter should be saved among different worlds